Insurance Company Offers $500.00

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New Member
I was involved in an auto accident approximately 2 months ago. I was driving a commercial vehicle (a Sprinter van) while going through an intersection (I had the right of way) when I was struck by an suv. The impact cause my vehicle to rollover. I didn't even know I had any type of legal recourse since I was driving my employer's vehicle and with the exception of some cuts on my hand and nicks on my elbow I felt alright. I did go to see a doctor a few days later just to make sure. But he really didn't do a thorough examination. I mean no xrays were taken or anything. Just basically checked my range of motion and asked me questions. Well the defendant's insurance company called me and asked me to come in to discuss compensation for my pain and suffering etc. When I get there she basically met with me in the lobby and apologized again for the accident and said she could offer me $500.00 for my pain and suffering. Now don't get me wrong I am greatful that I was able to walk away from the accident with minor scrapes but I do have some post mental stress behind it. I keep hearing the impact and I'm anxious when going through intersections not to mention what if the impact of my vehicle rolling over and hitting the ground caused some other injury that I'm not aware of yet? Is $500.00 a reasonable offer? I told her that I would think about it and it's been about 2 weeks since we spoke.
Unless you were physically scarred by this accident, I would fail to expect a court to offer much more than the $500. Granted an accident is a nightmare occurrance, but you would need to bring testimony from your doctor, phychiatrist, therapist, etc. to show that you have continual "mental stress" due this accident. Unless this "mental stress" is real and you are willing to pursue it, I'd suggest taking the $500 and have everything done with.

You may wish to counter-offer the agent with a bluff. Ask for $1,000 or you will pursue alternative action.
what if the impact of my vehicle rolling over and hitting the ground caused some other injury that I'm not aware of yet?
It would be in your best interest to be seen by your personal physician. Perhaps you can use the doctor's report and/or the potential for the unknown to up the offer.

The insurance company obviously knows you are due something, but want to keep their expense low. Just like a used car salesman, they will lowball you. Just don't expect thousands.
Thanks for the input! No, I definitely wasn't expecting thousands. And I'm not interested in scamming the insurance company. I just wanted to get some opinions on whether or not $500.00 was a fair amount for this accident. Thanks again :)
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