Recent content by EeeeekitsaMouse

  1. E

    GA police withholding evidence

    So the cops found you in possession of a used drug pipe and some other dude's wallet? Was the other dude's driver's license in the wallet? Or was it just a wallet you said belonged to someone who wasn't present, believing you could get out of a charge with an imaginary other guilty party? You...
  2. E

    drug dealing sperm donor dad out of spite spent $25,000 on a lawyer to steal full custody of JAO

    Well, actually, there is no "we." The mom alone needs to deal with this and not make things worse by having someone (you) else butting in to a situation that doesn't concern them.
  3. E

    violation of rights

    What does a trans person being in the exam room have to do with you being evicted?
  4. E

    The Most Significant Case of Judicial Misconduct is About to Explode

    I would vote for any politician who actually could refrain from all this crap-talking and instead clearly state a well thought out plan for the country if they were elected.
  5. E

    Court Shopping

    Take abuse or harassment like this? What does that mean?
  6. E

    Boss gave away my job while I was on vacation.

    Your boss has the right to hire someone more competent and transfer you to a different position within the company whenever he wants. You're free to find another job. You taking a two week vacation gave him the opportunity to hire someone new who is probably better suited to the position of...
  7. E

    Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion burglary charge "intent"

    Where did those items that were taken out of the package (I assume by you) go if you did not take them? And how did the exact same items that were out of the package in the store wind up in your car? Did you pick up your prescription at this time?
  8. E

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Ex husband charged me with petit theft…

    True that. I forgot to say isn't likely to throw her in jail. My bad.
  9. E

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Ex husband charged me with petit theft…

    Maybe he's talking about something of his you kept in the divorce that he now wants back. Just go to court and you'll find out and hopefully, you will be able to clear this up. The judge isn't going to throw you in jail when you go to court.
  10. E

    Witnessed my friend's "accident"

    Something like this happened where I live about 30 years ago. A few juvenile delinquents dropped a large rock off of an overpass and hit a car, causing brain damage to the poor guy in the passenger seat. The kids were caught and they all were charged, not just the kid who actually dropped the...
  11. E

    Test and hello

    Oh, I've been around like a donut. Haha.
  12. E

    Test and hello

    It's me, Eekamouse! That is all. Carry on.