Can a property manager refuse a tenants notice to move out

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New Member
Does a property manager of an apartment complex have to take a parties 30 day move out notice as per the lease agreement, if the property manager has filed for this same party to be evicted?
In the lease it states that for a tenant to move out they have to give a 30 days move out notice.
What I mean to say is that this property manager has refused to accept a notice from the tenants saying that they are moving out because this person has contacted an attorney to have the tenants evicted, demanding that the tenants contact the attorney for further info. Can the manager refuse to accept the move out notice if no eviction notice has been given yet?
(Rutherford county, Tennessee)
No. Do yourself a favor and mail the letter to him with a return receipt. Move out as planned in 30 days. So long as you are giving proper notice then you will be fine.
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