Can Landlord force me to burn outside entrance light 24/7 at my expense?

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New Member
I live in an apartment complex that has an outside light at my door. It has always came on at night and off at daylight. This light is on my meter. Now, we have a new property manager here that has rewired the light to burn 24/7 by bypassing the sensor. This was done without my knowledge nor any request for my permission. I asked what was the purpuse of burning the light during daylight time. She claimed it was for security reasons. I do not see any ligit reason to burn this light all day in daylight. This area around the entrance of my apartment is not a shaded area and alway have light here the same as all other units in this complex.

After attempting to reason with her about burning my light during daylight at my expense, she would not discuss it any furhter. She informed me that I must comply or I will be given an infraction or termination notice.

Being an elder person on a very limited monthly SS income, I can not afford the additional expense nor can I afford a lawyer to help with this unreasonable demand.

Since she will not discuss this issue with me, I don't know where to turn to protect my rights. I don't feel she has the right to force this on me and then to threaten me if I don't comply.

Need some advice on how to go about resolving this matter. Many thanks.
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Read your lease.
If it isn't in your lease, you can't be forced to do it.
You can't be punished for not doing it, either.

But, when your lease is up for renewal, she might not offer you that option.

So, is this fight worth it?

You might try to remedy this amicably or with outside pressure.

Contact your local TV stations and newspaper about this needless waste of energy. See if they will investigate it and publicize it, but protect your privacy.

Otherwise, this might bring you more trouble than you want!!!!
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The lease require that light only burn at night time. That is why they have a sensor to turn it on and off and have been the past 30 or so years I have lived here. I have learned that all tenants must have their light burning 24/7. I just don't see how they can force us to burn our light during daytime and as you say a needless waste of energy. TV and local newspaper would not be a good option around here. Thanks for your input.
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The expense of this light bulb being on 24/7 is negligible. The argument is hardly worth making.
if the light won't turn off, can you just unscrew it?
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