Can landlord take and post photos of tenant's propert?

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New Member
My landlord just informed me that he wants to put the house up for sale at the end of the current lease. He wants to send a photographer to take pictures of the house, including our personal belongings, to use in promotional material (flyers, web page). We told him we were very uncomfortable with the idea, we consider it an invasion of our privacy, and asked him not to do it. He claims it is in our lease: we must let his agents, prospective buyers, etc. into the house with 24 hour notice, but it says nothing about taking pictures and making them available to the public. Can he force us to comply?
When one advertises a house on MLS pictures are typically taken. Why are you worried that your personal belongings would be included in the pictures? These pictures usually contain furniture and appliances. No one is really interested in seeing clothing or family pictures (for example). In fact, the recommendation is often not to include personal items in such pictures as they distract from what is really being sold.

You don't have much choice in the matter.
If you want then you could certainly remove your property from the house ahead of time, but with proper notice your landlord most certainly may enter, inspect, and photograph the property.
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