can manager tear down flyers I post AND charge $75 for locking myself out?

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New Member
2 different issues here:

I have rented my San Francisco apt for 20 years. The new mgr (as of 2 yrs ago) tears down postcards/flyers I place on the hallway mirror for events I produce. Can she do that?

Also, once I went to move my car (street sweeping) and left my house keys in my apt. She is trying to charge me $75 for letting me back in. Can she do this? It's not in my lease. There's no on-site manager.

Yes, the "manager" (or caretaker) can remove postings from the common areas. You don't lease those areas. Therefore, you can't control them.

No, the caretaker can't legally make you pay a fee to let you in your apartment when you've licked yourself out based upon your lease.

But, she can charge you for the extra service rendered. Your lease doesn't say that every time you're locked out your landlord must let you in for free, either.

So, the "caretaker" is charging you pursuant to the landlord's policy, I presume. If you want to know fir sure, ask her under what authority or policy she's charging you.

But, what would a locksmith charge you?

You can't break into the unit. If you did, you'd be liable for the damages.
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