Complicated Rental Situation with Family

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I began renting a condo from my father in September. Our lease agreement states that I pay $900/month to him. However, we verbally agreed that I would pay $450/month. Within that $450/month, I would pay the condo fees ($281) and deduct that number from the $450. Whatever was remaining ($169) is what I would pay him directly.

When I intitially moved in, the main bathroom had to be completely be redone but we had agreed that it would be done in November once my sister moved in. He also agreed to fix the air conditioning and heat. This was not in the lease, however. He has entered my condo without informing me of this on a few occasions. And I had to arrange to get the heat fixed myself because spaceheaters just weren't doing the job. The place had a flea problem prior to moving in and I had to arrange to get the carpets cleaned because he would not.

Now we're having family problems and he's taking it out on me. He constantly calls me because he claims I'm going back on my agreement by not paying him $900/month and when we exchange words..he says he will take me to court and he will win because I can't prove anything since most was verbal agreement while he can because he has written proof. I've tried to do research on my own but I guess I'm at a loss because not only am I frustrated by my rental agreement but by family. I do have voicemails saved in which he says he entered my home. I have also started now emailing him instead of calling. I'm just afraid that if he does take it a step further and takes me to court - where do I stand with this?

Also, one thing I noticed is that my mother is stated on the lease as a landlord along with my father but she never signed the contract. Does that make the lease still binding?
I began renting a condo from my father in September. Our lease agreement states that I pay $900/month to him. However, we verbally agreed that I would pay $450/month. Within that $450/month, I would pay the condo fees ($281) and deduct that number from the $450. Whatever was remaining ($169) is what I would pay him directly.

When I intitially moved in, the main bathroom had to be completely be redone but we had agreed that it would be done in November once my sister moved in. He also agreed to fix the air conditioning and heat. This was not in the lease, however. He has entered my condo without informing me of this on a few occasions. And I had to arrange to get the heat fixed myself because spaceheaters just weren't doing the job. The place had a flea problem prior to moving in and I had to arrange to get the carpets cleaned because he would not.

Now we're having family problems and he's taking it out on me. He constantly calls me because he claims I'm going back on my agreement by not paying him $900/month and when we exchange words..he says he will take me to court and he will win because I can't prove anything since most was verbal agreement while he can because he has written proof. I've tried to do research on my own but I guess I'm at a loss because not only am I frustrated by my rental agreement but by family. I do have voicemails saved in which he says he entered my home. I have also started now emailing him instead of calling. I'm just afraid that if he does take it a step further and takes me to court - where do I stand with this?

Also, one thing I noticed is that my mother is stated on the lease as a landlord along with my father but she never signed the contract. Does that make the lease still binding?

Your sidebar, oral agreements are useless and unenforceable at law.
The court (if it goes that far) will look to teh lease.
If it ain't in the lease, it ain't ever been said or agreed.
The law disdains oral agreements insofar as property is concerned.
Bottom line, look to the lease my friend, you're stuck with what you agreed to do in the lease.
The issue of mom's signature is irrelevant.
Look to the lease, all your answers are in the lease.
Nothing you agreed to orally is binding on either party!
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