Cosigning for 18+

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New Member
I'm 19 years old and had signed a lease for an apartment off campus apartment in Riverside. My question is that part of the application requires a cosigner which I never got. However, when I asked the main office at the apartment if that voided my contract they said it didn't because I am over 18. I'm actually not living in Riverside anymore and am wondering if what they said is true and if so or if not what my options are. Thanks
I am not totally clear on what your question is... but no, a cosigner is not always required. Whether or not a cosigner is necessary is up to the landlord.

Are you trying to say that you want out of the lease that you signed, and the lack of a cosigner might void the lease?
I'm 19 years old and had signed a lease for an apartment off campus apartment in Riverside. My question is that part of the application requires a cosigner which I never got. However, when I asked the main office at the apartment if that voided my contract they said it didn't because I am over 18. I'm actually not living in Riverside anymore and am wondering if what they said is true and if so or if not what my options are. Thanks

You signed a contract at the age of 19, legal age to sign. You did not need a co-signer. You are obligated to the terms of that lease.
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