crappy landlord-crappy situation

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OK so the back story is this. I moved in with one of my friends for college, her parents owned a house near campus so i thought it was a great idea. In the beginning everything was fine the as we moved on she slowly started sucking basically. She stopped picking up, doing her dishes, feeding her dog, everything you could think of that you would be pissed at your roommate for not doing. So i told her she needed to get her stuff done or i was going to move out. On top of her, the house was turning into a dump. The ceiling came through, the pipes a busted, she even caught the kitchen on fire. Her parents decided to convert the basement into another bedroom to help pay for all the stuff happening (which in itself is a whole other legal problem) the basement is definitely not up to code to be living in. So again i threatened i would be leaving. The final straw was my roommates started selling drugs out of the house. Im an elementary education major and would catch hell if that was ever found out, so i moved out. Now her dad is saying he is going to sew me for not paying rent. Yes i did sign a lease, and i realize im legally bound to pay that. But i just want to know if there is any legal action i can take on these people for 1-not having livable conditions and 2- to not have to pay for that house seeing as they know whats going on and have done nothing stop it even after i gave notice. so if you have any advice pleaseee help!
Well that sounds like it would hurt!

If you are already moved out then don't pay a dime more unless a judge orders you to. It sounds like these people aren't organized enough to do anything more than threaten you.

If you should be brought into court then explain your safety concerns (roof falling in) and illegal activity at the residence, as well as the addition of the new roommate in the basement. These are valid concerns that will help you win the argument.

Also, in order for the landlord to have a claim, he must show that he made a legitimate effort to rent the place to another tenant in order to minimize the loss from your early departure. If a new tenant comes in then you are off the hook because they do not have a loss. If they do not make an effort to find a new tenant then you are also off the hook.

I doubt it will go that far, but be prepared and don't give in to their bullying. If you are moved out then stop responding to them and they will go away.

As for actions to take, if you want then you can report the conditions of the residence to the appropriate county authority. If drugs are being sold then you can provide a tip to the local police.
As mighty said this will probably all go away. If you do talk to them again just tell them the drug dealing was it for you and if they are smart they would let it go right there. But if you do not have to talk to them anylonger then dont. Good luck and good choice on moving out before you got caught up in the illegal activities going on in the house.
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