Defamation of character - Wrongful termination?

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New Member
I was recently fired from my job. Long story short. I had a terrible sunburn and a fellow employee slapped me on my back and then proceeded to laugh about it. After a brief discussion that this was not funny and him disagreeing, I warned him that I would knock his teeth in if he did it again. I KNOW right there I threatened him and that is grounds for termination, BUT the HR woman decided to write a huge long report of my behavior and actions and also decided to put in her version of everything that happened between the other employee and myself.

She lied about several accusations and blamed incidents on me I had nothing to do with. All of this resulting in me being fired. She went through the proper channels as in managers and supervisors BUT SHE LIED and I have proof she lied. I know for a fact I would not have been let go for my threat to the other employee if that was the only accusation against me. Do I have a case of wrongful termination based on her lies?
Employers don't have to provide a reason or reasons when an employee is terminated, unless the employee is on a contract or a member of a union under a collective bargaining agreement.

But, if you want to speak with an attorney, feel free to do so.

I see no wrongful termination case, based on the information you provided.
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