Evicting a tenant you live with

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New Member
Hi there,
I've signed a lease agreement with a tenant whom I also live with. The rent is paid on time, however, there has been a lot of domestic disturbance where the police have always needed to be called. This person is an alcoholic and it has started to take a bad emotional toll on myself where I am dealing with constant arguments and fighting. This person also has mental issues, and is on antidepressants. These situations always start because of him. The lastest was yesterday...he was drunk and mixed his alcohol with antidepressant medication. The argument escalated where the cops had to be called and he was taken away to the hospital for a mental evaluation. I cannot live like this anymore, especially when it is in my own home! I cannot deal with the verbal abuse and it's really draining me emotionally and physically. On these basis, can I evict this person to save my own self and even sanity? I feel as if my health has become hazardous living with this person. Please keep in mind there is a contract and while he only pays rent with is $300 a month. Everything else is on my shoulders such as the utilities and groceries. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Sure, you can attempt to evict him. It's more difficult when someone is paying their rent regularly but you do have the documentation that the police have had to be called on this tenant as evidence to present to the court to justify your attempting to evict him.

However, sometimes it's better simply to pay the tenant off; offer them some money to help them move out and find another place.

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