Habitabilitiy Issues

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New Member
Good morning.

I am currently in a dispute with my landlord over the issue of bedbugs and repairs.

Background: I first moved into the building three years ago. This past January, after repeated requests to have a fire escaped installed from my fourth floor apt, including one AFTER an incident, which had it been an actual fire, I wouldn't be here, the property mgr "measured the depth of my bathroom window for a fire escape" in April after the event, I was compelled to file a complaint with my city's building code dept. This necessitated my being moved into another unit in March, which itself needed repair - torn screen and a cracked window, and I needed a mailbox key. I informed the property mgrs. of these repairs and was greeted with "those are new windows" and it never went farther. In May, I discovered bedbugs. I informed them of their presence, and was met with a resounding silence. In June, I withheld rent to compel action, which of course, led to court. July, a stip was signed between myself, the property mgr and their lawyer that the following was to be done by the end of July, or I would withhold my rent:
mailbox key - it took five months and going to court to get my mailbox key
repair the torn screen
replace the window
eradicate the now entrenched bedbugs
secure the fire escape's railing
August has now rolled around, and I informed them on Aug 2 in writing, that I was withholding the rent per the verbal agreement for failing to follow the stip.

On Aug 11, the window and the screen were removed for repair, and ignoring my written request for a professional exterminator, the property mgr "sprayed". I should note, that the property mgr denied that other tenants complained about bedbugs. This is false. He tells me, the chemical is water based, which I come to find out has a one week residual life. Aug 14, I was bitten more than prior to the spraying, and I received a three-day notice to quit for "non-payment" apparently, they went to the courts to collect the withheld rent - I was informed the courts were to hold it, but I did not hand the moneys over due to exactly what they attempted to do: collect without fulfilling the stip - repairs have not been completed, and I am still being bitten - check the time of posting - I have just finished "collecting" the night's quota of bedbugs.

The property mgrs do nothing regarding repairs unless compelled to by the courts. There is no monthly spraying for insects such as roaches, ants or bedbugs.

What are my legal options? I can't live here anymore due to the infestation, and I am wondering if after I file for a stay, if I can file a constructive eviction or if I have other options, since they tired an end run around the stip. and served me Aug 14 with a three-day notice. I have tried to contact a lawyer, but apparently, he isn't interested in just representing me as he has not returned my phone calls since I first called.

the attached are images of my left forearm and up right that were taken at the time of writing. The top of my left forearm is somewhat numb from all the bites.

Thank you
Are you saying that the legal agreement was that you would place your rent in escrow until the repairs were addressed and that you failed to do this?

I am stating that they went to the courts and have claimed to have honored the stip, which they have not.

I am saying, that there is a written and signed stip for them to make repairs, which they did not adhere to. I am saying, that they attempted to collect the rent from the courts without fulfilling the terms of said stip.

They are not yet entitled to July/August rent due to their failure to honor the stip, which I should add was files with the courts July 20.
If the stipulation doesn't require you to pay your monthly rent to the court at the regular time then you are fine. If you are supposed to be paying the court, then you too are not fulfilling the agreement. If the stipulation does not give you a specific time to make your payment to the court, then don't do so until the agreement has been fulfilled.

Regardless, you seem to have a reasonable argument and will probably be ok if they try to proceed with eviction. The landlord was required to fully eradicate the bedbugs, not just spray once. Have they come back to inspect whether the spray worked?

Did they finish the work on the fire escape?

If you end up back in court you should seek a rent reduction for their failure to comply.
MightyMoose, at the time the stip was signed, (July 20) there was no mention of having the Court hold my rent, by either the property manager OR their lawyer. I was made aware of this when I presented a written demand Aug 2 for the conditions of the stip to be fulfilled. Again, I did not because I did not trust them to honor the stip, and I was right to be leery of depositing the money with the court, as they tried to collect without honoring the entire stip, and they have no intention of honoring said stip.

the image of the stip may be found at photobucket by searching for "TheGarnetQueen" it will be the first image in the album "Speakers Bureau"

No, they have not made any attempt to correct the defect in the fire escape, and I believe, based on something the property mgr said, they will not.

No, they have not had any contact with me since sending me th three-day notice to quit.

It's also curious, that the same day the window and screen get reinstalled is the same day I get locked out. Gee, imagine that...

NOTE: The court today informed me, that when I receive the actual lockout notice, then I can file for the stay (and not before then) and deposit the monies with them.
Update: I have moved

but a question remains: Since they did not honor the stip, am I obligated to pay my August rent? After Aug 23, I did not reside in the apartment and was fully moved by Aug 25. I had planned on cleaning the apartment on Aug 31, but I realized, I can not risk bringing back bedbugs to this new, vermin-free apartment. I realize I may lose my deposit, but I figured they wouldn't return it to me in the first place

I wouldn't pay the August rent. You're out, and living bug free. I doubt they'll pursue it. You're happy and so are they. If they do pursue you, you've got a valid defense, inhabitability.
I wouldn't pay the August rent. You're out, and living bug free. I doubt they'll pursue it. You're happy and so are they. If they do pursue you, you've got a valid defense, inhabitability.

thanks. I gave them the money. They would pursue it.

Thank you.
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