How to stop father from confusing my son

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New Member
When my son was born he was born with his last name, the first time we went to court I had my last name added. My sons last name is hyphenated with both names. His father signed all the docs and the birth cert was changed. He is not happy with it now. My son knows his hyphenated name. His father is angry with me and will not acknowledge his complete name. he has all of his family members telling him his name is not hyphenated. How can I stop him from confusing my son. Will the courts do anything about this form of manipulation. My son is 6.
Probably nothing. Dad is free to call the child his last name if he wants.
My ex is doing the same thing but its the whole name he wants our son to be a Jr and hes not now hes taking me to court . Good luck with it
It really isn't that important. Don't involve the kid in a fight. When the son gets older just explain it to him and he will understand. Really, what harm will it do to your child right now? Don't panic, it will be ok. :)

Before BAY jumps on me for activating an old thread, I'm sorry !!! I just saw this one at the bottom and didn't read the date. Don't beat me up> > > > >;-P
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