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New Member
I am a college student and a tenant of a local rental company in town. Two weeks ago I received a call from my landlords saying that a woman came to them and said she had fallen on our step the day before delivering phone books. She went to the doctor to get her self checked out after the accident. My landlords are saying that they are not liable for this ladies medical bills. We (as tenants) are responsible for snow and ice removal on the steps and sidewalk leading up to the house. The ice that the lady fell on was due to a broken eves pout that hangs over the step and drips onto the steps. Are we (as tenants) suppose to pay this ladies medical bills or the landlords that own the property suppose to? Any advice???
As has been suggested in the other forum you posted to, review your lease in regards to what it says about you being responsible for the ice and snow removal on the steps and sidewalk leading to the house.

If you are responsible for maintaining this area, it would really not matter how the ice got there but rather that it did and it was not taken care of appropriately.

I suspect you could make a reasonable argument that the management is responsible due to the damaged spout.
However, you are not responsible to pay a dime until a judge orders you to. If you are not being sued and have not been served any papers then don't worry about it.
The woman that fell won't sue you, she will sue the landlord since the landlord has deeper pockets.
I suggest that any further discussion of the matter be done in writing. Otherwise, forget about it and move on.
You might also want to give written notice to the landlord about the damaged spout.
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