Landlord charged me for someone he let stay there & reflection into bathroom & more..

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New Member
This may get a little complex, so I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this! My landlord totally messed me up & am wondering how much of this I can take him to court for:

A. There were 4 of us living in the house, 3 of us were on a lease, the 4th wasn't. The 3 on the lease all moved out on 4/15 & the 4th said he'd move out if the landlord wanted him to. I emailed the landlord that I did not feel comfortable letting the 4th guy stay there since he wasn't on the lease. The landlord let the 4th stay up through about 5/5 & the landlord took out $200 on MY security deposit for the bills the 4th guy (power, utilities, etc) used while everyone else was moved out.

B. I moved out on 4/15, but the landlord wouldn't do a walk-through with me because the 4th guy was still there. The landlord never did a walk-through with me, he kept postponing, but his brother did (around 5/2). His brother said everything looked good. The landlord charged me for a ton of stuff ($500) his brother said not to worry about. He charged me for them hiring people to cut the grass, which happened at least 3 weeks after the 30 day notice was over. Of COURSE the grass is going to be longer 3 weeks after we move out, am I responsible for that?

C. When I moved in, the lease said it was pro-rated, but I lived there over 4 years & had a few roommate switches. The landlord sometimes just gave us one page to sign & sometimes he gave us the packet, but said he needed it back asap & wouldn't give us a copy. The packet was VERY thick. Now he's saying he "never had the rent pro-rated". He could just give the judge any rental agreement he wants & attach my signature to it & say I agreed to it.

D. The way the house was built, from the living room downstairs, you could see into the bathroom in the reflection from the sliding glass door. I had taken a shower & changed in the bathroom, went downstairs to a room full of people watching a movie. Right after that, one of my roommates came home & went to the bathroom & I could TOTALLY SEE HER in the reflection. The tv was right next to the sliding glass door. I was mortified that the group likely saw me up there! To this day I still am mad about that & I am still paranoid about bathrooms & windows. The landlord built the house & I wish there was some type of legal action I could take here. Is there?

E. He did not pay me what he should have, which caused me to have to borrow money from a few people, as well as put things on my credit card. Can I charge him interest?

Thanks so much!
Also, I did tell landlord about point D & he said to my face "I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU".

Also, when I told the landlord about all the extra things I was billed for (POINT B), he said "I don't remember if that was like that or not, its been 3 or 4 years" & he STILL billed me for it even thou I said I remembered & described how it was.
If you disagree with what was kept from your security deposit, you write the landlord what is known as a "demand" letter, demanding the amount you believe you are fairly owed and giving the landlord a certain amount of time (say two weeks after they've received the letter) to provide you with these funds.

If they disagree or do not respond within this time period, your next step is to consider filing a lawsuit against them. Your problem (from your email) is that it appears you have very little hard evidence to provide to the court regarding your claims. Do you have any written documentation regarding what you claim? This would greatly help you should this situation end up in court.

You have no legal recourse regarding whatever one could see in the reflection in the sliding glass door.

Most of my correspondence to the ex-landlord was done via email.

I have an email I sent on 4/16 (this is when I found out 4th roommate was still living there) to the landlord saying I wanted to be off the lease with all deposits given to me & the 4th guy on his own lease since he wasn't on ours. The landlord replied saying he'd call the 4th guy.

I have emails asking him to please do our walk-thru & he always said he'd try, but never did it. He canceled on me several times & I always replied I can do it 24/7. The email said he wouldn't do it til the last tenant moved out.

I didn't get my security deposit until 5/28 & I have proof of this as well.

I have video & pictures of the house when we moved out. You can see all the grass is cut.

I still have a copy of the original lease that says rent is pro-rated.
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