Landlord forgot to take out direct deposit

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New Member
I authorized my landlord to use direct deposit for payment of my rent. A year and a half into my lease my landlord notifies my that he screwed something up with my direct deposit and for the last 5 months he has not withdrawn anything from my account.

I had not noticed the couple hundred dollar difference in my account each month. He asked for full payment immediately but agreed that he would take half this month and half next month. He also stated that he would have to start the eviction process. It seems to me that this was not my failure to pay rent, but his failure to take the rent payment I authorized through direct deposit.

What are my options? Any advise?
I authorized my landlord to use direct deposit for payment of my rent. A year and a half into my lease my landlord notifies my that he screwed something up with my direct deposit and for the last 5 months he has not withdrawn anything from my account.

I had not noticed the couple hundred dollar difference in my account each month. He asked for full payment immediately but agreed that he would take half this month and half next month. He also stated that he would have to start the eviction process. It seems to me that this was not my failure to pay rent, but his failure to take the rent payment I authorized through direct deposit.

What are my options? Any advise?

Do you have proof that you paid rent for the last five months?
This isn't about fault.
This is about the lease.
The rent hasn't been paid, unless your bank can show otherwise.
He's working with you.
If you want to avoid the stain of an eviction on your record, take the deal.
You owe the rent.
Take the deal and pay half now and the rest in 30 days.
If you don't, you'll be standing before a judge.
Win, lose, or draw; the stain of an eviction will be forever embossed next to your name!
Take the deal, keep your word, pay the past due rent!
Yup... landlords error doesn't mean that you don't owe the money. The payment is past due and he can evict if you fail to pay. Work out a deal.

If you hadn't even noticed then it seems you should have a sufficient amount saved up to just pay it off.
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