Landlord playing games with fake 'belief of abandonment'

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New Member
My landlord is desperate to evict me! She put a 'belief of abandonment' on my door today knowing good and well I'm still here. It says to provide written notice that I'm still here so I went to the office to do so and they refused to sign and date a copy and give it back to me to prove they received my response! They're gonna try to come in here and throw my stuff out when I'm at eviction court on the 22nd. I called the police to come be a witness that they got the notice but the office locked the door real quick and pretended they were closed when the officer arrived LOL! These people are nuts, but tell me...How can I protect myself? If they do come in here where I'm not here I can't prove they received my response. It'll be my word against theirs!
luckisalady said:
My landlord is desperate to evict me! She put a 'belief of abandonment' on my door today knowing good and well I'm still here. It says to provide written notice that I'm still here so I went to the office to do so and they refused to sign and date a copy and give it back to me to prove they received my response! They're gonna try to come in here and throw my stuff out when I'm at eviction court on the 22nd. I called the police to come be a witness that they got the notice but the office locked the door real quick and pretended they were closed when the officer arrived LOL! These people are nuts, but tell me...How can I protect myself? If they do come in here where I'm not here I can't prove they received my response. It'll be my word against theirs!

Call the police first thing tomorrow, but don't tell the office.

Have officer meet you away from the unit at a nearby gas station or store.

Have the officer follow you to the apartment office.

Deliver the form, before they know what has hit them, with the officer present.

That should do the trick, as tomorrow is only the 21st.
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