Landlord's Property Being Foreclosed On

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New Member
OK My landlord has not paid the mortgage on this house since I made him move me and my roommate here. The previous house was quite literally freezing in the winter...I mean ice on the walls freezing, yes the gas was on and worked, however there was no insulation. The dampness, particularly in the spring, caused a severe mold problem so we were confined to 1 bedroom of a 2 bedroom house for 6 months of the year. We were there 2 years. Near the end of the second year I, for the 1000th time, called his attention to the crap we'd had to deal with and threatened to put his rent money in escrow if he didn't either A. move us to a nice house or B. fix the one we were in. He transferred our lease and deposit to a new property that is awesome, except for the squirrels living in the walls. That was this past April. Somehow he has managed to not pay the mortgage..a whopping $555 a month, despite the fact that my rent is $495 and the tenant above me pays $350. I don't know about my neighbor, but my rent has NEVER been late. Somehow, the property taxes are up to date.

On this past Thursday we got served a summons/complaint about this property being foreclosed on. The landlord told the neighbor and my roommate that there was a "misunderstanding, I'll take care of it". He also said that he, the landlord, was only managing the property. Looking at the stack of paperwork my roommate was handed all we can find are the landlords signatures on the promissory note from the bank clearly saying that he is indeed the owner. He has said nothing to me about this and he is actively dodging my roommate.

I know, for a fact, that he has tenants in other houses that are at least 2 months behind in their rent, they're friends of mine LOL. They may actually be in a property he's just manging though. He manages some 40 properties and owns about 10, I'm living in one of the 10. I don't know if any of his other properties are being foreclosed on or not, I'm not privy to that information. However, this feels intentional. Why pay property taxes and not the mortgage? I had no plans to move for several years (he knows this) and cannot afford to move on short notice. Do I have a case to sue him for my inevitable moving fees/deposit/and the 6 months (or 2 1/2 years) of rent that he hasn't been using for repairs or mortgage?

This is easier than you're making it.
You need not worry about your SLUMLORD losing his properties.

You, my friend, have a lease.
Your lease is your slot machine.
The crappy apartment you're renting is your casino.
You are the CEO.
If, you remain calm, stay focused, and follow this advice.

When Mr. SLUMLORD gets foreclosed, you won't be affected.
At some point the bank or the new owner, will come to you and offer you "cash for keys" or "reduced rent". They'll PAY you to leave. You don't have to leave, until your lease expires.

Until it expires, whoever owns the property must HONOR your lease.

So, relax, stop worrying about that butthead that owns that slum. Someone is gonna come to you very soon, with an offer you won't want to refuse. Just sit tight and watch the SLUMLORD get his!!!!
I'm not worried about being kicked problem is that I can't afford a deposit, 1st months rent and pet deposits on a new place AND still pay rent here.
I'm not worried about being kicked problem is that I can't afford a deposit, 1st months rent and pet deposits on a new place AND still pay rent here.

Please, reread my post. You won't have to continue paying anything but the amount in your lease!

The deadbeat will have to give that money to the new owner. Eventually, the new owner will return it to you.

How the new owner gets it, isn't your problem. If the new owner never gets it, you'll still get yours.

From whom, you ask? From the new owner. If they offer you "keys for money", they'll pay you the deposits, moving expenses, and a couple months worth of the rent you pay. You will only make money, not lose any.

And, no, you have no chance of winning if you try and sue the slumlord!!!
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