Late rent on parking space

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New Member
I rented 1/2 of my driveway for $50 a month for someone to park an old beat up camper. Payments are due monthly on the 15th. They came early for a couple months, then on time for a couple, then the owner started having her mother send them to me for 3 months and they were getting later, now it is over 2 weeks late and no payment. I want them to pick up the camper but apparently they are living out of state. I can text but not call. The mother is very nice and helpful. IWhat is the legal process to notify them to move the camper? The document we both signed said either party can cancel the agreement at any time but will give 30 days notice. However since they havent paid, I think I need to send a 3 day notice to pay rent or quit. Then where do I go from there? Plus I will need to send to the mother's address since I dont have a current address on them. Any help or advice is appreciated.
Send a 30 day notice to the last contact address you were given.

Also, any number you are sending a text to also receives phone calls. Call and leave messages if they refuse to answer.
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