Manager job

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New Member
I was told that my apartment manager is a sex offender (this source is very reliable). I asked the owner to fire the manager but he refused to do it. The apartment complex where I am staying has mostly senior residents. I don't want to move and my question is that can I report the manager and owner to legal authorities? Thank you.
I was told that my apartment manager is a sex offender (this source is very reliable). I asked the owner to fire the manager but he refused to do it. The apartment complex where I am staying has mostly senior residents. I don't want to move and my question is that can I report the manager and owner to legal authorities? Thank you.

The employer has no reason to fire the manager.

If he served his sentence, he's paid his debt to society.

In some cases, sex offenders are prohibited from working around children.

There is no provision prohibiting ex-felons from working around seniors.

Besides, this may just be rumor.

If it is, and the person identifies you as the source of the scurrilous allegation, you could be sued for defamation of character.

If I were you, I'd leave this alone or move!
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