Mitigating Damages from my broken lease

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New Member
I signed a lease for an apartment for a year. I did not move in and I notified the landlord of my intent to break the lease. She told me that the only option of breaking the lease was to find someone, by myself, to take over the lease. I live in North Carolina and I know about the Mitigating Damages law. The landlord still refuses to attempt to find someone to take over my lease.

Finally, after a little over three months of looking for someone by myself to take over the lease, I found a potential person.

The girl went to look at the apartment and was refused the apartment because apparently I need to pay off my rent before anyone can take over my lease.

For the past 3+ months I have been looking for someone to take over my lease by myself, without even seeing the apartment once, and my rent bill has been racking up. I have no money to pay the bill so I am essentially trapped.

This apartment was an apartment that was going to allow me to pay through my financial aid Pell refund check. Since medical issues came up, I was not able to attend college so I was unable to even move into the apartment.

I feel trapped. I know legally they have to make an effort to look for someone to take over my lease and they're refusing to do that. What else can I do? They're now refusing to let someone take over my lease until I pay off the $1,700!
The longer you delay, the more they'll try to get you to pay.

It is also ruining your FICO.

It may eventually hamper your ability to ever rent another apartment.
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