My director has made my work environment unworkable

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New Member
Hi there,

So my manager has pulled me in her office 3 times in the 9 months that I have been working with my present company. Every time that I have been pulled in it has been due to errors that I have made and as well as I am being blamed for errors that my collegues have made.
My concerns started in my first week where she informed me that I was being paid more then the other 2 supervisors that I work with who have been with the company for more then a year and even more then the supervisor that was training me and then switching departments within the company. I knew that this was incorrect and it was verified my one of the other supervisors as she had shown me her pay stub which had the same salary on it. I felt minipulated at this time. Small things such as this has continued but last week was when my work environment became unworkable.
My manager pulled me in her office before leaving on a weeks holidays...this is 1 of the 3 times that I am speaking of from the beginning of this conversation. She informed me that I was still making mistakes and when I tried to defend myself on one of the issues that she was presenting to me that again, was not my fault, she would not hear me out and was forced to sit for a total of 30minutes of being repremended by her. The conversation was left at that she would speak to me more when she returned from her holidays.
I had my 2 days off after this meeting and when I returned I was not in the office for more then 20 minutes when one of my team called me to tell me that the administration girl on my team was told to watch my work and document any errors. This was found out by the administration girl telling another inthe department of this. Now please note that the administration is not a manager position, it is an hourly and only in the office and not by work description is she even considered my equal. Since her informing one of the other workers, it has spread out of the office and into others. I get sad looks by others and others asking me if I am alright. I did present this to my HR department and was advised to speak to my manager when she returns. I feel nervous even going to work at this time and have lost my credibility to my team in who I am supposed to be thier leader....what can I do.

Frustrated and upset,
Nothing you have posted violates any labor laws. Your manager appears to be somewhat ineffective at her job but that is not illegal; nor does it give you any legal recourse.

Your options are to put up with it or find employment elsewhere.
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