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New Member
i work in hawaii and was wondering is hawaii a at will termination state? the reason i ask is because i was recently let go from my job. the reason being that the owner suspected me a of having a conflict of intrest with his business which i had no ties or knowledge of. for me having nothing to anything with what he is suspecting me of, i am inturpeting this layoff as a wrongful termination. i confronted him about it and told him that i know nothing. then he went on to say that he had no problems with me and was doing a good job, i had no counseling or letters of cautions from him. he even went on to tell me that he would be a reference for me for my next job that i apply for. so can he fire me for his suspicion? hope this makes sense to you people reading this. your help is greatly appreciated
The only state that is not at least nominally at-will is Montana.

Yes, he may legally fire you if he suspects you have a conflict of interest, even if he is mistaken. Nothing you have described meets the definition of a wrongful termination.
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