no lease tenant ups and leaves

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New Member
My wife and I are renting a house in North Carolina. In order to help pay the bills and such we took on a coworker of mine as a tenant. My wife and I knew he was going to be living with us when we got the house and it is currently outside of our ability to pay for on our own. My coworker told us on the 10th that he is going to be moving by the end of the month. Is there anything we can due since we only got this size of a house because we were all going to be living here. He had originally told us he would be staying for the entire year. We are both in the Army and he isn't getting his housing allowance that he was promised for his reenlistment. My wife and I are at a loss and we dont know what to do from here.
The fastest and best solution is probably for you to find a new roommate asap.
You won't be able to prevent him from leaving, and you certainly aren't entitled to a year's worth of rent based on his promise.
If you really wanted to push the issue you would only be able to recover the prorated amount of rent from the time he leaves to the time someone else moves in- and you do have a responsibility to actively seek a new tenant to minimize your loss. I suspect the loss would be negligible if you start your search now.
Bottom line here, it is not his fault that you signed yourself into a home that you can't afford.
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