Press Charges for a argument

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New Member
I was released from my job,my manager wouldn't tell me over the phone why, so I went to the job we got into a heated argument she called the cops. Can she press charges on me for that?
For trespassing? Of course.

The only thing you are entitled to be told is, "Your services are no longer required. Don't let the door hit you as you leave". No law requires that she give you a reason for the termination over the phone, or in person, or at all.
I was released from my job,my manager wouldn't tell me over the phone why, so I went to the job we got into a heated argument she called the cops. Can she press charges on me for that?

Anyone can call the police.
Whatever happens after that is up to the police and the district attorney (or prosecutor).

If you are arrested, remain calm, name, address, date of birth (and a few harmless biographical details), then politely advise the nice officers that you wish to remain silent and consult an attorney.

If you aren't arrested, I suggest you stay away from any place you are unwanted.

If you ordered me to get off of your property, that's your right.
I'd quickly comply.

They want you gone, stay off of their property, or you'll discover the answer to your question the hard way.

Good luck.
Go ahead & apply for unemployment ins. if you have not already done so. The state will decide if you qualify & not your employer though your employer can contest payment. If you are denied UI, you can appeal.
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