Rights/Obligations after the lease is over

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So I am just trying to be proactive and find out what to expect.
I live with a roommate in a two-bedroom apartment, our lease expires in several months (both of our names are on the lease) and after that we are planning to move out. At least I am. I will make sure that I give 60-day vacate notice on my part to the leasing office. Not so sure about the roommate however as he is being extremely stupid and irresponsible about the whole situation. My questions are:
What happens if he doesn't give notice to vacate or does it have to be a notice from both both of us to begin with?
What happens if for some reason he doesn't move out on the last day of the lease? Can it somehow be my problem since "we" didn't leave the apartment clean and empty?
He threatened to leave his stuff in the apartment because he won't have a place to take it if he does move out. I realize I can't just come and throw it out, but what can I do?
So long as you give adequate notice and do things right, you are in the clear. If the roommate wants to stay then the landlord will likely have him sign a new lease with just himself on it, or a new roommate.
If your roommate stays then you might run into difficulties getting a portion of your deposit back, but that really depends on how cooperative your landlord is... stay on good terms with the landlord and it should be fine.
If your landlord wants to avoid an ugly situation, the landlord can give notice to both of you to move out at the end of the lease... that way the roommate has more motivation to move along. Just talk it over with the landlord and come up with a plan.
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