Roommate moved out, name still on lease. Won't let me cash security deposit check.

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My roommate (and significant other) and I had a lease together that renewed 11/01/2009 through 10/31/2010. We broke up and she decided to be the one to move out with her new girlfriend on April 30, 2010. They found a new rental property together for May 1st. We split items - she took some kitchen things, electronics, and book shelf-type furniture. Because I didn't have a t.v., she left me the plasma she purchased for us on her Sears credit card. Everything else small she left because she said she didn't need it because her girlfriend was taking items from her house she owned with her husband. She left garbage, a bed, pots and pans, a low-end cd player, etc. Nothing major, but she thinks this allows her to get money from me. Then, because she couldn't rent another place without a letter stating she was not responsible for any utilities or rent for our place, she begged me to write her the letter for her new landlord. When I said no, she threatened to ruin my job, as I worked for state government. So, I signed the letter that stated she didn't have to pay for anything involving the lease we had together (rent, utilities). Our landlord did NOT know this. Now, with her name still being on the lease, the full security deposited has been refunded (with my money spent cleaning the place and paying all the months' rent) in both of our names (with an & in the middle). We live 14 hours from one another and she is refusing to help in depositing the check without me paying her $200 up front, which she thinks I owe her from the deposit. With April deductions (electricity and water bills, etc.) that she told me to take out of the deposit in November she is only due about $120. I cannot deposit this check into a joint account unless we make one and she won't unless I trust her and pay her first. My questions are:

1. I need the money from the security deposit. She won't set up a joint account any other way and I am owed the majority of the deposit. How do we deposit this check and get the money owed to both of us? I just want my half plus the $200 she owes me for April bills.

2. She gifted me the t.v. because I didn't have one other than that. She took he other flat screen t.v. with her. She states "it was not a gift", but she was in the house with her key while I was on vacation for 1 week and never took the t.v. but took other things. Can she sue me for the t.v. or it's value when she stated it was a gift because she felt bad when she left?

3. Although I wrote and signed an unnotarized letter only for her landlord, not legal purposes, can I sue her for rent from May - October 2010 since she was on the lease?

Thank you.
1. Don't deposit the check. Both of you go to the bank and cash it and divvy up the money accordingly.
2. Yes, she can sue you for the tv, but the judge has heard the old gifting problem a bazillion times and will likely allow you to keep it if she admits to having taken the other one, and if you can clearly explain that she let it remain while cleaning out the rest of the house.
3. Yes, but you won't get anywhere.
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