Section 8 and Child Support

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New Member
I have been receiving Child Support for over a year but I am hesitant to add it to my section 8 re-certification because it is not consistent and i am constantly going back and forth to court because of appeals and petitions of violation for non payment. Does Section 8 count the amount that is said on the order to pay even though the payments are not consistent? I am currently supposed to get 925.00. monthly my over all income a year excluding chid support is 25,263.00. Would they cut me off due to the amount of child support?
Section 8 requires you to report ALL income. Yes, you should report the income. They will eventually discover the child support. It might be sporadic, so perhaps it would be better to ask this question of them. If you tell them it is often less than what it should be, they might average it to a lesser amount. But, you shouldn't try to hide it. They will discover it.
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