Section 8 and unpaid back rent

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I have a cousin that is on Section 8. She is attempting to move out of her subsidized apartment complex into a private home. Approximately 3 months ago, she was told that she was behind on her rent for $558.00, for a rent increase that took place in October 2009. She was not aware of this because she did not receive notice from Section 8. Upon hearing this, she agreed to a payment plan of $50.00, monthly, to pay the back rent owed. When she gave notice, that she was moving to the private residence, the officer manager told her that she could not move until the back rent was fully paid back. The office manager also told her that if she did attempt to move, without paying the back rent in full, that she would take her to court and sue her for the back rent. The manager then stated that if my cousin were to lose,in court, that she would be removed from Section 8. She stated that she would not take the unpaid My cousin is on a fixed income due to the fact that she has Sickle Cell Anemia and is in the hospital at least 45% of the year. My cousin was shocked because the agreement that she signed did not have those stipulations listed. Also, her lease clearly states that "any unpaid rent shall be taken out of the security deposit". My cousin, since then, has contacted her case worker, for Section 8, and explained the situation. The Section 8 case worker told her that she could not help her because it is up to the office manager's discretion as to whether or not she would take the unpaid back rent out of the security deposit. Is there anything that my cousin could do about this?
Explain how housing was aware of rent increase and changed their portion but your cousin was not? Your cousin is already in breach of his section 8 voucher by being behind in rent. I will add further as to why should landlord let him off the hook for unpaid rent? I know you said tak eit from deposit that isnt what deposits are for and Landlord could still lose that way
Your cousin can borrow the money and pay the arrearage. Maybe you could loan it to her?

She could also speak with her section 8 caseworker again about this issue. It isn't just about the arrearage. By the way, that should be less now. She has been paying $50 a month since last November, right?

Maybe section 8 can offer a better solution? If not, why should she care? You said she's moving.
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