Security Deposit Rights

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New Member

I know that in California, it is legal for landlords to deduct unpaid rent from the security deposit. When I moved out of my apartment, I had completed my year lease and stayed an extra month. The amount that I was made to pay in rent was the rate for a yearly lease, not month-to-month, by error of the leasing agency (this wasn't realized by either party until after it had been paid and I had moved out). I have this number in writing on two different papers signed by my leasing office. Now, because of their error, they have deducted the additional amount that should have been paid for the month-to-month rate from my security deposit. I think this is unfair as it was their error, and as I said, I have two signed papers from them with the incorrect amount listed as what I owed. Do I have legal grounds to demand they refund the amount taken from my security deposit?

A note on this matter: while I do realize that technically the amount they deducted from my security deposit was due, I GUARANTEE you that had the situation been reversed (i.e. I accidentally overpaid), they would point out that they had the figure in writing and refuse to refund the amount. This leasing agency has been nothing short of negligent and inept during my entire time at their property.
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