Speeding 75 in a 60

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I was going south in I95 (Northern Va.) keeping a steady speed and on the middle lane, this was approx. at 2:30 in the morning. I thought that I was all fine, there was a Mack truck to my right and front of me going maybe faster ( I stayed behind him all the time, didn't want to enter the "blind spot" zone). Suddenly, blue lights flashed behind me so I pulled over, not to my right (because the truck is still ahead of me) but to the left onto the unpaved roadside. I thought the cop was wanting me to move so she can flag the truck down, but no, it was me she wanted. She said she paced me going 75 in a 60, I do believe that I wasn't going that fast.

So now, I contemplate in going to court and pleading not guilty. I will ask her if she remember which side I was pulled over, then I'll point out that I pulled over to the unpaved side because of the truck in front me was going faster and would've been more dangerous. Second, I'm thinking of pointing out that if she paced me, would the effort she did of catching up to me in a hurry result in her thinking that I was going what her speedometer said...

Or...should I just go to court and plead guilty and pay the fine if there are no points...Any advice would help.

I dont know about the side of the road thing, but you might want to check on VA law about what 75 in a 60 means. Down here in NC I think its considered reckless and at the very least will certainly mean your insurance will go up a whole lot. Maybe you can "plea it down" to a lesser speed (?) ie less than 10 over. VA courts can sometimes also be good about letting you go to driver improvement classes to make tickets go away but definitely get better/more informed advice than mine.
As far as I know and a trooper told me once that 15 over is not reckless...here in VA. 20 and above is considered as reckless...and if you did go that limit, you won't get a ticket for speeding, your ticket will say "reckless driving".....I'm gonna try to plea the charges down and see if taking a class instead is an available option.

Virginia Speeding Ticket

You are correct in that it is not a reckless driving ticket. You don't mention your state so I am assuming that you are from VA also. Va is one of the few states that recognizes a speedometer error as being a reason for dismissal. Since you don't think you were going that fast then maybe you need to check that. You can time yourself between milemarkers on the interstate. For court you need a certified repair.

Otherwise call the court and see if you are eligible for traffic school and the ticket not show on your record. Most Virgina courts now accept online school. Here is the link for more information

Thanks for the info, I also checked out the link on your signature and read up on some stuff...just got a few questions to ask...My court date is on Feb. 2, this is just an arraignment right? or does the actual trial proceed at the same date? I'm gonna call the court clerk on Monday and ask if the Traffic School is an available option for me, would they be able to tell me if the ticket will be masked to not show in my records?

So if I should plea Not Guilty, and the trial date comes along, is this the time to make a deal with the Officer? In case they are not willing to negotiate, I'm already preparing what I would ask during cross-examination.

I'm just a poor college student so I'm trying to get out of this as painless as possible...I'm mostly concerned about the points and insurance rates...And oh, yes I reside in Va.

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