Tenant Property damage

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New Member
My daugughter is currently a tenant in an owner occupied two family home.
While using the shower (upstairs unit) water collected on the bathroom floor and leaked into the downstairs unit causing damage to the owners ceiling.
The owner is seeking damage repair payment from my daugter.
My question is : Is my daughter liable for the damage or should this be the owners obligation to file an insurance claim or pay himself?
Who spilled the water on the bathroom floor while taking the shower, thus causing the water to leak into the downstairs unit?

The landlord or your daughter?

Jim J. said:
My daugughter is currently a tenant in an owner occupied two family home.
While using the shower (upstairs unit) water collected on the bathroom floor and leaked into the downstairs unit causing damage to the owners ceiling.
The owner is seeking damage repair payment from my daugter.
My question is : Is my daughter liable for the damage or should this be the owners obligation to file an insurance claim or pay himself?

The owner can howl all he wants about who did what with what. He has to prove your daughter caused the damage. He can't just point his finger and say your daughter did it, therefore she must pay. Well, he CAN do that, but he can't force her to pay. If I were her, I wouldn't pay.

If he wants her to pay, he's gotta prove in a court of law she's responsible for the damage. Know this, her refusal to pay, can probably affect her continued tenancy. If he's doing this, she might wish to reconsider her tenancy anyway.
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