Terminally Ill Mother need to move to care for her

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New Member
I just got into a lease about 2 months ago, but now need to move out of state (to Florida) to take care of my terminally ill mother. She can provide doctor's notes stating she is in pallative care, however need to know what paper work and what exactly to expect before talking to my apartment complex about getting out of my lease if at all even possible.
Ask them what your options are in a situation like this. They may allow you to legally break your lease if you find a tenant to take your place.

I just got into a lease about 2 months ago, but now need to move out of state (to Florida) to take care of my terminally ill mother. She can provide doctor's notes stating she is in pallative care, however need to know what paper work and what exactly to expect before talking to my apartment complex about getting out of my lease if at all even possible.

They may let you out with a fee charge for breaking the lease. When you do this have them state this in writing. If not, if you leave, they could say you just left and owe them rent. Recently had a LL do this to my nephew. She came back later stating they did not give a written letter to vacate the apartment and kept the deposit and demanding money for damages. So in your letter state that they will return deposit, minus wear and tear, and damages that are listed in a walk-out inspection. AND both parties agree that the lease was broken and a fee was charged for breaking the lease. NO future rent will be expected from tenant. Cover yourself. Take pictures when you leave., Take pictures of every corner and inside everything.

They may not let you out. Hope they do. Good luck.
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