Terminating a lease before a lease has begun.

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New Member
I have signed a lease for an apartment a month ago but the lease does not begin for another 6 months. I am currently living in the same complex but the lease is for a different unit. I have not paid the security deposit for the new unit yet and I was wondering if there are any consequences for breaking the lease this early and what would they be. The lease says

"Breach of Lease: In the event that Resident breaches this Lease Agreement, Landlord shall be allowed at Landlord's discretion, but not by way of limitation, to exercise any or all remedies provided by Landlord by California Civil Code Section 1951.2 and 1951.4. Damages Landlord "may recover" include the worth at the time of award of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term after the time of award, or for any shorter period of time specified in the Lease Agreement, exceeds the amount of such rental loss for the same period that the Resident proves could be reasonably avoided."
You can break this lease easily. The landlord will not suffer any loss as a result since it does not begin for 6 months... plenty of time for the landlord to get another tenant.
You won't owe a dime- but you need to inform the landlord of the change in plans as soon as possible. Do not pay any "fines" the landlord may try to impose. You will be getting scammed.
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