threaten to be kicked out

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New Member

ok so i think my mom might be getting treated unfairly

ok so we moved in to a 4 bed 2 bath house 2floors 2 garage and she pays 2500 for rent and if rent is late he adds 100 now besides that we moved on 7/3/10 and deposit was 5000 ( which i think is a little way over the top ) plus 1st months rent so basically 7500 to move in ( way way over the top ) .... my mom is indian so she receives a lump sum of money every month around 11,000 ( i think he might be taking advantage of her money )

so she payed only 5000 to move in on the 3rd and because she resives her check on the 15 she would pay 2500 then but the 15 came around and the landlord said she own 5000... 2500 for the rest of the deposit and 2500 for rent that month ( this is alot of money ) so she only paid 2500 for rent

so to top that off the stove, the air conditioning and the dish washer dont work the 2 ovens do not have oven racks and the toilets are leaking and both garage doors are broken . she has told him of these problems and still nothing
he has not come to fix it

so she has not paid that 2500 she apparently owes for the rest of the deposit plus sept rent

so once again she owes 2500 for rent and 2500 for the deposit plus 100 for rent being late so all together 5100

so now the landlord has threaten to kick us out if we dont pay.

now with all that being said a couple of questions

1. does he have the right to do this?
2. is she paying way to much ?
3. is he taking advantage of her?
4. is he the one who has to fix these house hold problems?
5. can she get out of her 5 yr lease with out breaching her contract?
6. can she get out at all? :(

ok so i think my mom might be getting treated unfairly

ok so we moved in to a 4 bed 2 bath house 2floors 2 garage and she pays 2500 for rent and if rent is late he adds 100 now besides that we moved on 7/3/10 and deposit was 5000 ( which i think is a little way over the top ) plus 1st months rent so basically 7500 to move in ( way way over the top ) .... my mom is indian so she receives a lump sum of money every month around 11,000 ( i think he might be taking advantage of her money )

so she payed only 5000 to move in on the 3rd and because she resives her check on the 15 she would pay 2500 then but the 15 came around and the landlord said she own 5000... 2500 for the rest of the deposit and 2500 for rent that month ( this is alot of money ) so she only paid 2500 for rent

so to top that off the stove, the air conditioning and the dish washer dont work the 2 ovens do not have oven racks and the toilets are leaking and both garage doors are broken . she has told him of these problems and still nothing
he has not come to fix it

so she has not paid that 2500 she apparently owes for the rest of the deposit plus sept rent

so once again she owes 2500 for rent and 2500 for the deposit plus 100 for rent being late so all together 5100

so now the landlord has threaten to kick us out if we dont pay.

now with all that being said a couple of questions

1. does he have the right to do this?
2. is she paying way to much ?
3. is he taking advantage of her?
4. is he the one who has to fix these house hold problems?
5. can she get out of her 5 yr lease with out breaching her contract?
6. can she get out at all? :(

A precise answer to your questions depends on what the lease allows.

Indian, Vulcan, or Alien, she signed the lease.

I suspect she is being treated unfairly, and perhaps being cheated out of her money.

It is good she has a child like you to look after her.

You need to take her to an attorney.

She has what appears to be a solid case, that MIGHT allow her to break the lease.

If she can LEGALLY break the lease, she needs to do so, ASAP.

But, don't do anything before you speak with an attorney.

Ask your friends, relatives, business associates, relgious leaders, etc... who they would see about an important legal matter.

Do not discuss the problem with the people you ask for a recommendation.

The initial consultation is normally free.

Make sure it is, before you make the appointment.

Take your lease, receipts, and any other proof when you visit the attorney.

You also need to take pictures or videos to prove how dilapidated and deteriorated the home is now!

The attorney will advise you IF breaking the lease is possible,

You will also be informed of HOW you can get the landlord to make the repairs, if you can't break the lease.

If you are allowed to get out of the lease, DO NOT sign a FIVE year lease.

You should only sign a ONE YEAR lease.

Too many things can go wrong with FIVE YEAR leases!
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