Too many tenants in a house than the lease allows?

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New Member
When I signed the lease, the lease had stated that only 5 people are allowed to live in that house, but the housemates keep on inviting other people to live with us to the point where up to 8 people could occupy the house. The landlord has no issue with this, but 8 people in a house leads to overcrowding and I definately have never agreed to this. Is this enough reason for me to get out of the lease without any legal consequences?

You could contact your local Code Enforcement to see if there are any restrictions in your community regarding the number of people who can live in a house the size you are renting.

I agree make that call however be forewarned that this could result in negative actions for roomates or even landlord. Your lease agreement is with landlord so this is not lease breaker. I understand your point but you have little leverage in this case. Have you discussed this with roomates?
Your best option is to toss the uninvited roommates.
YOU are the one that is responsible for them. If someone else invites them to stay, YOU need to put a stop to it.
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