Trying to get rid of roommate/sublessor

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New Member
I have a subleassor and they have a 6 month lease with me. It is in the final month and i want to terminate her lease and get a new roommate. I have given her a 30 day notice, but I want her out before hand. I am willing to give her back her rent for August, but her security deposit may not be returned because she has ruined my carpet (Ground in dirt and stains) I gave her a clean room (have pics) and took photos/video of what my room looks like now. Is this grounds to remove her? Can I face legal action? I am willing to serve her with a 10 day notice, and I have already posted ads about the room on various websites. She is disrespectful and keeps bringing guests over even though It is clearly stated in her lease that she can have over 1 overnight guess every 2 weeks. She goes beyond this and sneaks people into my home on a regular basis. I do not feel comfortable and want her out. How can I do this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Keeping the security deposit for damages above normal wear and tear and removing her early because you want her out sooner are two different things.

As her landlord you can't evict anyone. Only a court can do that. It is quite likely that the time it would take for you to go through the legal system with her (i.e., notifying her, filing against her through your court system, having her served, getting the hearing set up) would take longer than the time she has left on her lease.

Unless she agrees to move out early, you may be stuck with her during this final month.

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