Unknowingly violated Store policy.

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New Member
Before I get started on my story, there are two things that I need to clarify. I was accused of maliciously giving out 15% discounts to customers. I had given two weeks notice since I was leaving the job before I was accused of this by LP (Loss Prevention). On my last day of work, LP escorted me into their offices. It was then when the LP officer started asking me questions about myself. I had no idea what was going on, because I really believed I had done nothing wrong. Shortly after he explained to me what his job was, he asked me to be honest with him. He said he wanted me to tell the truth before he could tell me what I did. I asked him what it was pertaining to, to which he replied he would get there. He asked me if I ever manually over rode the system, I told him that I have, but with the Team Lead's permission. He asked me why, I explained to him that the Leads and Managers had told us that if a customer went up to our cash register and argued that an item was $4.99 because they found it in a rack that had the sign $4.99 then we would give it to them at that price, regardless of how much the system rung it up. He then proceeded to ask me why I had given a 15% discount on every credit application that I processed in my last two weeks. I had explained to him that I was told by my superiors (Department Leads) that I was to use a coupon that we keep underneath our register that takes off 15% and if that the coupon doesn't work, because it hasn't in the past, to manually take it off under customer satisfaction. I was then told by LP that it was against Store policy to reuse coupons and that it was also against policy to put it in manually without an actual paper coupon. He then accused me of wanting to get more credit apps (because I had underperformed the last month), so I used the 15% as an incentive, according to LP. I explained that I thought it was correct. I told him that I had read the fine detail on the coupon and ASSUMED (which was wrong on my part) that it was for credit apps. The coupon also stated that they would get an extra 5% off if they used their Store card or was approved for one. So, all of this looked really bad on me, because of my assumptions. He claims that I had bad intentions because we get $4 per every rapid we process and on top of that I caused a loss for the company for every 15% off that I did. He then asked me to write a statement. In this statement I explained that I was mislead by the supervisors, undertrained and I also apologized for what had happened. The Apparel manager came in and asked for my ID Badge and employee card and stated that I could no longer work for the company nor be rehired ever again. The LP officer thanked me for being honest and said that I am young and he hopes I make better decisions in the future and he wished me good luck in whatever I pursue next. Then they then let me leave the building. I am so worried. What is going to happen? Should I get a lawyer? Should I be expecting a summon? What should I expect?
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I doubt that any further action will be taken except that you will not be eligible for rehire. I wouldn't be expecting a good reference from them. But if you're asking if you're going to be arrested or sued, that's not likely based on your post.
Based on what you posted, I agree that you can expect what they told you - no longer work for co./be rehired but that's about it. I doubt you will be arrested - doesn't seem so.
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