Unlicense DC Landlord

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New Member
Anyone have any experience dealing with unlicensed landlord in D.C.? I just discovered my landlord is unlicensed (which he must be in order to collect rent). I think, at the very least, that means he's covered by D.C. rent control (although it also means he can't legally collect rent, period). I know the previous tenant paid 300 dollars less than I do. My landlord told me otherwise (i.e. lied) but I learned that fact after signing the lease and moving in. Landlord also delivered the apartment in pretty bad shape and only after all sorts of phone calls involving yelling and threats and so on did he do anything. He didn't buff the floor as promised (i didn't get it in writing, so i lose on that one), and there is paint from the paint job on the floor that he claims was already there, but the previous tenant says was not.

With that in mind, I basically want to get same rent the previous tenant has, which if my understanding of DC law is correct, I should get. The landlord can't legally charge me more than .05% than the last tenant. Hell, he can't technically charge rent period.

Any thoughts?
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