Walked Out

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New Member
Two quick questions for PA, or in general:

1) if you give 6 weeks notice, and they walk you out the next day, do they have to pay you for those six weeks?

2) if you get walked out after a resignation, is it considered a firing?

Thanks for any advice
1. No, they simply accepted your resignation early.

2. That would depend on what context you are considering it under.
1.) No. There is only one state, and that state is not PA, where there is EVER a requirement for an employee to be paid beyond the last day he actually worked no matter how much notice he gives, and in that one state the requirement applies only to some employees and in some circumstances.

2.) No. It is still a resignation. However, it is possible, depending on circumstances, that you might be eligible for unemployment for that six weeks, minus any applicable waiting period.
Agree/concur with other responders.
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