need to know my rights...been here a yr,,,hes trying to get me to move cause i wont be his gf

I thought we covered all this already.

We've already established that you are a tenant, not a guest, and that he has to give you 91 days written notice if he hasn't given you the 28 days written notice by June 7th.

You don't have to go to court, he has to.

You don't need any paperwork, he needs the paperwork.

All you have to do is stay put until he does file in court and does serve you the court papers.

Then you can defend against the eviction by raising the lack of proper notice as a defense.

Please, from now on keep all your discussion in this thread where all the background is and don't open other threads. It just confuses things. Which is why you'll find your duplicate post gone.

Colorado law is on your side. Understand it and use it against him if you need the extra time to find another place.

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