Recent content by DC77

  1. D

    School District Lost Keys

    Thank you. I've been thinking the same and hearing the same sentiment. I can't be the only one that has lost keys. Maybe I'm the only one to report it... I've also had union mentioned a few times now. I've never had a unionized job before and am pretty naive. Need to look into it. Also not sure...
  2. D

    School District Lost Keys

    I work for a school district that still uses old fashioned metal keys and locks. I've been terribly sick, working on cold medicine, and just not thinking straight. On top of that, my keychain went and broke one day and I ended up carrying the keys in my pocket to get through the day. Somewhere...
  3. D

    Reimbursement Clause - Unsigned Agreement

    This may sound obvious, but can a company demand reimbursement for initial training if you never received the handbook (until a month later) and never signed it upon hiring?? I was hired over a month ago with a soon to open start-up health and fitness franchise. I was hired under a previous...
  4. D

    Technical Legal Question Date of Separation

    From DOL. Am I not reading this correctly?
  5. D

    Technical Legal Question Date of Separation

    Well at this point, DES has interpreted resignation as being the date of notice. They even backdated it an extra week. To fight it, I’d have to pay $200 just to file with Superior Court and probably have to hire a lawyer.... But it’s very clear the system isn’t for truth or fairnes. DES is out...
  6. D

    Technical Legal Question Date of Separation

    That's what I'm reading as well. The email was a notice to resign and the last day worked is the day of resignation. Is there any statute or something legal I can reference to back this up??
  7. D

    Technical Legal Question Date of Separation

    Hi All, I came here in January for help with an unemployment hearing and I'm back. My second appeal came back; it's denied. They have me that I left the company. I quit and moved on to an internship, and the DES agents said I still qualified (that's another story and NC doesn't care). Right...
  8. D

    Needle Stick Injury Who Pays?

    Thanks All again for your guidance! I really appreciate all that everyone does on here.
  9. D

    Needle Stick Injury Who Pays?

    I filed the workers comp paperwork a few days ago and spoke with billing at urgent care. They have the invoice on hold and said they can rebill it to workers comp. Per the WC instructions, I also sent a copy to the former employer. I believe she received the letter today because she finally...
  10. D

    Needle Stick Injury Who Pays?

    Hi All, I’m filing a workers comp claim. There doesn’t appear to be a formal investigation or report link, but I’ve made contact with them about 4 employees 2 companies 0 insurance. I’ve contacted urgent care and they will rebill as workers comp. Thanks All!
  11. D

    Needle Stick Injury Who Pays?

    Thank you for minimizing my situation. Apparently, you’ve never been stuck by a used needle due to your employers carelessness. It’s nerve racking. I’m glad all my tests have been negative. And I know this isn’t a $$$ case, but there’s principle here. The cost should be her responsibility, so...
  12. D

    Needle Stick Injury Who Pays?

    Thank you that’s very helpful! I looked into civil court. Too much time money and energy. I’m leaving here in a couple months and don’t need that dragging on. I’ll look into the IC and those links and I have a check ready to go in the mail. What about posting a review about the needle stick...
  13. D

    Needle Stick Injury Who Pays?

    Hmm. So this acupuncturist has two clinics under two different names. At the other clinic in another town, she had 2 employees. She had just opened the clinic where I was working and had 2 of us until the receptionist quit. Then she decided I could do everything. Part of why I quit. So 1...
  14. D

    Needle Stick Injury Who Pays?

    I sure have had some of my worst and least ethical employers working in North Carolina. My new question is in regards to a needle stick injury. Who is responsible for the cost of testing? Background: I worked for an acupuncturist very briefly. She was sloppy with the needles and I ended up with...
  15. D

    Unemployment Appeals Case in NC Still Going...

    Hi All! This is the case that hasn't died! Many of you answered my previous post about a former employer appealing the unemployment I received over a year ago... I have new questions. I went ahead and filed for an appeal of the adjudicator's determination. If anything, to get the date of...