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An Affidavit is a legal document that allows persons to make declarations under oath.
Business forms for accounting, payroll, balance sheet, profit and loss, credit memos and invoices.
St. Johns University School of Law Contracts 1 Law Outline 2016-01-05
Contracts 1 law outline, 56 pages, Farnsworth textbook, case reviews, topics, from law school class.
St. Johns University School of Law Contracts Law 2 Outline, Case Summaries 2016-01-05
Contracts law outline with over 100 cases summarized with rules, 64 pages
St. Johns University School of Law Constitutional Law Outline 2016-01-05
Extensive Constitutional Law Legal Outline, 170 pages, case reviews, 4 credit law school class
St. Johns University School of Law Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Outline 2016-01-05
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure law outline, 38 pages, 4 credit law school class
Law outline of the Arthur Miller Federal Rules of Civil Procedures Audio Class
St. Johns University School of Law Business Organizations 2 Outline 2016-01-05
Business Organizations 2 law outline, 86 pages, on general business law and New York State GBL.

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Michael Wechsler
3 min read
Whiplash injuries often result from car and automobile accidents, after the vehicle strikes or is struck by another car or large object. As a result of the collision, the head of the driver or passenger suddenly moves backward and then forward from the impact. This most often occurs in rear-end...
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Michael Wechsler
6 min read
Blackmail based scare tactics using email that are designed to frighten recipients into sending cryptocurrency to fraudsters, typically in Bitcoin, have reached even higher levels of attack sophistication. This article is designed to raise awareness of an increasingly popular...
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Michael Wechsler
5 min read
Unwarranted sanitation tickets and summonses may be successfully challenged in an administrative hearing before a judge or tribunal. This article will cover the processes and best practices for fighting sanitation tickets in an administrative court, such as the Office of Administrative Trials...
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Michael Wechsler
4 min read
New York City squatters have been making headlines by evicting legal homeowners from their property, with extreme examples including the arrest of a homeowner trying to regain possession of their house in Flushing, Queens. With the influx of migrants seeking shelter and the arrest of a popular...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
Several significant New York City Local Laws have been known for being excessively costly, unrealistic, and providing limited value and returns. Among the most notorious are the Local Law 11 (FISP: Facade Inspection Safety Program), 126 and 97 dealing with garages, elevators, carbon emissions...
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Ofer Tirosh
5 min read
Courtroom interpreters play a crucial role in ensuring that the US justice system is able to serve the needs of individuals with low English proficiency. Census data in the past decade has shown that the number of LEP individuals in the United States has reached 25 million, making court...
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Michael Wechsler
6 min read
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There are many snow and ice removal laws and regulations with which each New York City property owner or lessor must be familiar. This article summarizes some of the most common snow shoveling and ice removal laws, regulations and resources so you can be prepared for the winter season. Who...
Criminal Charges Sentencing is Symbolic
David Abbott
6 min read
Human nature is hard to change, so hard that even burglary sentences don’t have much effect upon defendants’ future conduct. Georgia uses a system of discretionary sentencing where most crimes carry a broad range of potential punishments. For instance, a first-time burglary can carry anywhere...
Michael Wechsler
7 min read
One of the most divisive and controversial issues separating this year’s candidates in the elections for New York City Mayor and New York City Council has revolved around the City's controversial “borough based jails” project. In 2019, the New York City Council voted to close the 413 acre...
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Michael Wechsler
3 min read
While many New York City residents may believe they have 24 hours to remove snow and ice from their sidewalks and walkways, they most likely have only 4 hours to remove snow and ice. You can find an explanation and complete details of the New York City Department of Sanitation snow removal...

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Stupidity is the only universal capital crime the sentence is death. There is no appeal. Execution is carried out swiftly without pity!