Recent content by hucks01

  1. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    I have a packet that tells how to set a court date to ask for expungement. it says to set a court date then call the DA's office & ask them if they'll voluntarily dismiss it. I'm worried that they won't because I'm not a lawyer. I will get a copy of the court records to see if my lawyer even...
  2. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    Thanks; I bought a packet of forms to do it myself & it says to get a copy of my records from the court, set a date to request expungement, then call the DA's office & ask them if they will voluntarily dismiss it before the court date. I'm concerned that they won't work with me because I'm not...
  3. H

    Thanks for respecivly replying to my post & not putting me down. The facts are I was not...

    Thanks for respecivly replying to my post & not putting me down. The facts are I was not arrested, I was told to expect a LETTER in the mail that did not come, the only info originally found only had date, offense, and court. No arrest date, no arraignment date, all other blanks were enter...
  4. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    One more time, I was not arrested, I was told to expect a LETTER in the mail that did not come, the only info originally found only had date, offense, and court. No arrest date, no arraignment date, all othe blanks were enter because there wasn't any arrest or arraignment. This is my point...
  5. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    Proffesionals? Now thats nice, a real professional attitude. Its not surprising to me that no one addressed the fact that my lawyer out & out lied to me or that because it was screwed up by Dallas County I couldn't find anything on a backrground check there was nothing until all my money was...
  6. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    I guess that it's important for an employer to know that I was once nude in a dense wooded non-public area. It could frighten the wildlife.
  7. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    I used to believe there were men & women in this country who became attorneys who were driven to take up the fight for the rights of the individual. People who's main purpose of taking on the mental and financial burden of earning their degree and passing the bar exam was to help their fellow...
  8. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    Sorry "Teach". Thought I was asking for advice for a problem that's ruining my life, didn't know I was writing my "term paper".
  9. H

    Criminal Records, Expungement Was my right to a speedy trial violated?

    One warm day in November of 2002 I was riding my mountain bike in a remote wooded area in Dallas, Tx & I decided to strip & get some sun. After a few minutes a man appeared into the clearing, flipped out a badge & said he was citing me for indecent exposure. I explained that I was sunbathing but...