Thanks for the kind words. Actually I got a lot of relief tonight - I was at the pharmacy and there was a police officer outside. I asked nicely if I could talk to him, he was very friendly and approachable. I told him the story and he said I had nothing to worry about, worst case scenario he...
CdwJava, thank you for you advice on both sites. As you can probably tell it's got me very rattled. Am I overreacting to this? I can't eat, sleep...I just keep replay how I should have handled it different in my head over and over. I am someone who strictly follows the law and wont even speed...
An officer came in to my work where I am a department manager and asked to see an employee. I told him to wait a moment and I called for the General Manager as we are told that police inquiries should be directed to the GM. When I returned the officer asked where the employee was and I told him...