From what you write, it is possible that a line was crossed that could lead toward criminal charges. The best thing that can be done here is hire legal counsel since police are already involved.
Thanks for the feedback. I don't know what is actually taking place, just what was described to me, so maybe I can ask about a few more details.
The heart of it is that the pregnant female is still in the position and doing less work for the same pay, while others have to make up the...
The issue isn't so much about whether she is getting an accommodation, the issue is whether her pregnancy can bring more of a workload on others without compensation.
She is apparently unable to do the requirements of the job but is still in the position and getting paid the same as others who...
Employment stuff isn't really up my alley. A relative is griping that the pregnant female is essentially being excused from any manual labor but still holding the same position and pay as others who have to do her share. Seems discriminatory toward the coworkers but I have no idea what laws, if...
I'm not sure if discrimination laws work this way.
A worker at a national retail store says that a pregnant co-worker is not being held to the same work requirements as others in the same position. Because of her pregnancy the other workers are being asked to make up the difference.
In short...
More often than not, when I've approached a driver they have already had their ID and other papers ready to go.
No, simply reaching for your wallet does not give an officer reason to shoot you. Most people can manage to pull their wallet from their pocket without making it look like a "furtive...
That's a doozy of a ticket.
In addition to the fines for the work zone mentioned above, you would also have the fine for speeding 35 over the limit.
This is going to end up costing you a lot of money. In the end. I think a win is anything that keeps it from significantly harming your insurance...
I fully agree. It sounds like you may very likely have ongoing medical expenses as a result of this and you will likely benefit from having an attorney. I suggest you at least speak to a couple attorneys to help decide when you should hire one.
Under the circumstances, I would suggest that a hefty fine is much more likely than any kind of prison term. If you are convicted of an offense, you may have to surrender any other firearms that you have.
In general, you should assume that the document is worded in a way that benefits the insurance company and not you.
If your injuries are such that you are worried about future costs then you need to negotiate different language.
What is the ordinance where you actually live, is there one? If not, how you fight it is by appearing at the appropriate city or county meetings and having your say when the rules are being proposed and debated.