Recent content by Ollonii

  1. O

    Kentucky When covered by two insurance plans, is one obligated to act as secondary if the other pays as primary?

    Never mind. I'll read up on Contract Law and see if I can find any cases in my Law School library with similar conceptual questions.
  2. O

    Kentucky When covered by two insurance plans, is one obligated to act as secondary if the other pays as primary?

    Thanks. Very helpful. I have actually read both policies and one contract. The other contract I only have in summarized form although I've requested the full contract. But my contracts and policies are not what I intended to ask about. I'm still curious about the simplified contract I mentioned...
  3. O

    Kentucky When covered by two insurance plans, is one obligated to act as secondary if the other pays as primary?

    Thank you for the responses. I meant the example to indicate that the terms of both contracts stated that the contract will pay the claim (not stated in my example is that neither plan appears to envisage the possible existence of other plans owned by the beneficiary). I apologize if I haven't...
  4. O

    Kentucky When covered by two insurance plans, is one obligated to act as secondary if the other pays as primary?

    The following came up in a discussion with one insurance plan administrator who felt strongly that, unless a plan specifically stated it was willing to act as a secondary payer, it was only obligated to act as a primary payer and then only when no other plan acted, or was willing to act, as a...
  5. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    All I can say is that, if any professional spoke to me that way, it'd be the last time we spoke. And while I understand there's a huge reputation difference here, I'm also surprised that a law professional would respond to what they assumed I was asking, rather than what I asked. I thought...
  6. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    Thank you for your reply. Well, my guess is that your guess is incorrect, but that's beside the point. I can easily calculate and prove costs, losses and damages as a result of this incident using well established methodology from: Law journals and cases; Finance journals and legal cases; and...
  7. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    Wow. Tough crowd. My apologies to the moderator who moved this thread. I saw this as an entirely different question. My mistake.
  8. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    I'm sorry, I don't know how this ended up online. Clumsy fingers.
  9. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    Yes, thanks. So, the law says: 367.842 (9) A court may award reasonable attorney's fees to a prevailing plaintiff. 367.843 Action for relief by purchaser. Any person who purchases a motor vehicle and thereby suffers any ascertainable loss of money or property, real or personal, as a result of a...
  10. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    After what feels like ages but is actually a little over four months, I have a letter in hand from the manufacturer of a car I purchased new stating that they will repurchase the vehicle under the terms of Kentucky's Lemon Law. The case has been sent to, what I presume is, an independent...
  11. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    Yes. I get it. I guess I was really wondering if I have cause for an action or whether I have to take specific steps first. I think your advice is sound. Thank you.
  12. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    Yes, I believe I do have to notify the manufacturer in writing. I requested the appropriate address from both the dealer and the manufacturer. Although both said they'd get back to me with it, neither did. I have since driven 50 miles to pick up a booklet at the dealership and will write today...
  13. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    Fair enough. Still, what is a reasonable response time?
  14. O

    Reasonable time to wait for offer under KY Lemon Law

    As I understand it, under the Kentucky Lemon Law, a vehicle is a "Lemon" if it's been out of service for 30 days, or more, for the same issue. In my case, the car has been at the dealership for 53 days so far (and we've only owned it for 107 days). The most recent "repair attempt" has lasted 34...