Recent content by sking

  1. S

    Unemployment benefits denied-employer lied

    Ok, thank you for your suggestions. I'll do just that and present the facts.
  2. S

    Unemployment benefits denied-employer lied

    Thank you for your responses here. I appreciate it very much. When someone takes off time due to sickness, normally this is accepted by the employer as people get sick. The employer does not say "you're sick too much, and your job is in jeapordy"... This was never said to me in any format...
  3. S

    Unemployment benefits denied-employer lied

    I know I have the right to appeal. I asked if attorneys here on this forum agree with me that unless there is written evidence to support his accusation, that MD should reverse their decision and approve my benefits.
  4. S

    Unemployment benefits denied-employer lied

    I worked for a CPA firm for 6 months. I was let go from my job at the end of the tax season. 4/12/24. I originally started full time which required me to work until 7 pm and Saturdays during the busy tax season. After doing working until 7pm and several Saturdays, I asked if I could work part...