Recent content by smc635

  1. S

    I was evicted after I moved out

    Hi Lawyers. I sued a building that was so toxic that people were dying. At lest 8 in the yer I was there, due to neurotoxins in the building. My attorney sued both my landlord and the HOA. The landlord settled the case so I "won" that one. But the case against the HOA is still going on. I just...
  2. S

    I was evicted after I moved out

    The eviction is not reporting n my credit file but that is not relevant as they found it during background searches through other means. I filed an answer but did not pay the court registry as required until about a week after it was due as I misunderstood the document. Because I did not pay the...
  3. S

    I was evicted after I moved out

    You seem upset....for some reason. " Yes, evictions can sometimes be sealed in Florida, but it depends on the specific circumstances of the case. Here are some key points about when and how an eviction might be sealed in the state: Conditions for Sealing: Sealing is usually possible if the...
  4. S

    I was evicted after I moved out

    I am aware that an eviction is not reported on a credit report. However the find it when they do a background check or search court records. I was a few days away from being homeless when I got the apartment I am currently in despite an 820 credit score and sufficient income. Yes, I have called...
  5. S

    I was evicted after I moved out

    This is just bizarre. In November and December 2022 we had no hot water in the building which I lived in is illegal according to Florida law. In late November 2022 a management company sent a letter around telling tenants to withhold 30% of their rent as a gesture of good faith so I did. A few...
  6. S

    Citibank false advertising credit card offer

    I need to make a big purchase and wanted to do it on a new credit card with 0% interest. So I went to credit karma and Citibank is offering 0% for 21 months. i applied for the card but after getting approved, the offer was actually for 12 months per the citibank credit card portal. So it is...
  7. S

    Lawyer trying to raise fee at last minute

    Yes, my friend has a fee agreement signed by both in writing but I have not seen it yet. She did say the original agreement was for 33%. My friend is from another country and the attorney assumed she is naive. She is but not completely. The attorney was very aggressive in his attempt to get her...
  8. S

    Lawyer trying to raise fee at last minute

    Hey Everyone, I am trying to help a friend here....really. So a friend had a slip and fall resulting in an horrific leg break and two more surgeries not related to that. It was the result of a building code violation. The attorney has had the case for over a year and it is nearing the...
  9. S

    My Landlord killed my dog.

    Ok it's true but wanted to also make sure people read this. I live in an older what seems to be nice building in Miami. It is infested with mold and this is common knowledge to everyone but me when I signed my lease two years ago. I have been getting sicker and sicker since I moved in. So I had...
  10. S

    Toxic building is literally killing me while condo board dances on my grave

    Here is a better chronology. Moved in May 2021 Began feeling lousy 6 months later but had no idea why. April 2022 began hearing rumors from real estate agents that this building has been mold infested for years. July 2022. Had a blood test from a lab specializing in mold toxicity and tested...
  11. S

    Toxic building is literally killing me while condo board dances on my grave

    Hey Everyone, I live in an older condo in Miami Beach and the building is infested with mold. I know this both by anecdotal evidence and the fact that I had my condo tested by a court-certified and licensed mold inspector. I also had my blood tested and am positive for a mold infection. I am...
  12. S

    Trustee is ignoring all terms of my trust

    Hi Everyone. My mother passed away in March of 2014 in Maryland. In Maryland, she created a will and a trust upon her passing. The intent of the trust is for me to purchase a home, provide needed medical care, or pay for me to get ongoing education. The trustee has ignored all terms of the...
  13. S

    Trustee is ignoring all terms of my trust

    With regards to this. The process has not been completed. All the attorney has done to date is have 3 phone calls with the trustee. The next step is to go to court. If the people reading this have argued 100 such cases and lost them all, I would rather know that now than later. If a trustee can...
  14. S

    Trustee is ignoring all terms of my trust

    Many will consider this a duplicate post but I let the first one get too far in the weeds. I have learned a little since then after consulting with an attorney. The facts: My mother passed away in March 2014. She had a will that created a trust. IN that will 40% of my portion of the estate was...
  15. S

    Trustee is ignoring the will

    My mother had a panic attack a few days after changing the will for the last time (my sister dragged her there). As a result of this, she was taken to the hospital ER, where she died. I was on vacation during all of this and was not even aware of it until it was too late.