Recent content by Tax Counsel

  1. T

    "Mutually Assured Destruction" Might be in the Near Future, Warns President Trump.

    I'm not surprised that Trump would use fear mongering over nuclear weapons as a diversionary tactic away from the climate control problem. The most conservative of Republicans keep denying that climate change is even real, despite the clear evidence over at least the last 30 years that earth is...
  2. T

    Hunter Biden Whining Because Donkeys Don't Buy His Paintings Anymore!

    I've learned to be more patient the older I get. But with each passing year I get a bit closer to being six feet under. I'd like to see the return of a more unified America before then.
  3. T

    House Elephants Dare Donkeys to Oppose Their CR to Avoid Gubmint $hutdown

    I don't much like continuing resolutions myself, but it's the better alternative to the brinksmanship we've regularly seen over the budget in which one side or the other threatens to withhold their votes and cause a government shutdown if they don't get what they want. In the past it's mosty...
  4. T

    Hunter Biden Whining Because Donkeys Don't Buy His Paintings Anymore!

    It make take awhile for that given the strong passions of the day, and not just in politics. The U.S. moves back and forth between periods of contention, anger, instability, intolerance, and hatred and periods of peace, social stability, civility, unity, and acceptance of others. Before the...
  5. T

    MASSIVE TIDAL WAVE of Truth Drowning, Demolishing Donkey & Dimishing Devotees

    A country singer supporting Trump. There's a shocker, huh? What do I care what what some singer, actor, artist, etc, thinks about politics? There is nothing to indicate John Rich has any expertise in politics nor was anything he said insightful. Certainly nothing newworthy, IMO. I'm kind of...
  6. T

    Hunter Biden Whining Because Donkeys Don't Buy His Paintings Anymore!

    Nothing all that new or notable about that phenomenon. Relatives, friends, and associates of those who have power, wealth, and/or fame find themselves the recipient of a variety of benefits from those hoping to gain some favor or access to that famous/rich/powerful person. If those benefits last...
  7. T

    Speaker Johnson: House GOP Will Pass Continuing Resolution

    That's a welcome statement from Speaker Johnson. Stating early his desire to avoid a government shutdown and pass a continuing resolution to fund the government until the current chaos settles down and members can devote full attention to matters like the budget shows he understands the...
  8. T

    President Trump orders US military to our southern border to quell Biden's Border Bungle

    I don't give Vance good odds at this point of succeeding Trump. Trump won election with a narrow majority and Vance doesn't have nearly the force of personality that Trump has. Trump's outsize personality helps him ride out the reactions to some of the absurd and stupid stuff he says, but I...
  9. T

    IRS to Cut 50% of It's 90K Strong Workforce

    And what 21st century tax is that? Trump hasn't proposed one and I see no evidence that he has any idea of what kind tax that would be. If you a referring to tariffs, customs, and excise taxes those are not 21st century taxes. They are taxes that in the U.S., including the colonial period, date...
  10. T

    IRS to Cut 50% of It's 90K Strong Workforce

    I'm saddened to say much of that has be perpetuated by Republicans. Trump is the perfect example. Rather than engage in civil discourse he instead mocks and belittles anyone who isn't 100% behind him and willing to kiss his ass for his approval. He resorts to calling those people petty...
  11. T

    IRS to Cut 50% of It's 90K Strong Workforce

    If that's true it will be a huge mistake by the Trump administration. The IRS is underfunded and understaffed as it is. Cut the workforce by 50% and it won't be do its core mission of collecting the nation's revenue. Those who salivate at the prospect of lying on their returns to pay a lot less...
  12. T

    Border Burglars at Lowest Levels Ever, Thanks to President Trump & Border Czar Homan

    Newsmax is not a source I consider very objective. The author of that piece engages in a lot of pro-Trump speculation. The article makes it quite clear that the author doesn't really know the reason for the drop in border arrests, and less migrants attempting to enter the country is just one of...
  13. T

    Anyone every filed a small claim against a car maker and how did it come out?

    The word "makes" in the above part of my earlier post should be substituted with "sells here". I couldn't edit it after posting it, so this will have to do. :D
  14. T

    Anyone every filed a small claim against a car maker and how did it come out?

    Most, if not all, of the vehicles Toyota sells here are actually made right here in the good ol' USA. Toyota has several manufacturing facilities in the U.S., including its largest plant in the world, which is located in Georgetown Kentucky. I wouldn't call the U.S. a "troubled nation." It is...
  15. T

    Validation request met with subpoena ‍♀

    I've already discussed the name spelling issue on the subpoena. The other issue is whether the service was good. If they served someone who is not a proper person to serve on your behalf the service wouldn't good and the subpoena wouldn't be effective. What relationship to you is the person who...